============================ Greg Warrington, Aug 4, 2020 ============================ The following files are plain pythoon --- no sage required ========================================================== ah.py - class implementing abacus histories lc.py - class implementing basic Laurent polynomials for coefficients of abacus histories ah_paper.py - computations illustrated in AH paper SageMath is required for the following ====================================== pleth_basics.py - just making sure I understand basic of plethysm and how it's implemented Calpha_plethysm.py - plethystic definitions of various creation operators {S,C,B,H}_b - defined using e_c, h_c and their skews {S,H,C,B}_b_pleth - plethystic definitions of these operators S_b_viaC, C_b_viaS, B_b_omega - alternate definitions for these operators check_ah.py - code for checking various formulas for operators agree ===================================================================================================== To compute, say, the result of applying the creation operator C_2 to the Schur function s_221: ab = AH.snu_abacus([3,1]) ab.Cm_op(-2,LC([ab]),verbose=False).print_lc() The "LC([ab])" just converts the abacus history ab into an internal representation of a linear combination of abacus histories, each of whose coefficients is \pm a power of q. The output in this case is: X . X . . X | | | * X * . . * Coeff: -q^3 X *-X . . X | | | * * X . . * Coeff: +q^2 X *-X . *-X | | | * * . X * . Coeff: +q^1 X *-X *-*-X | | | * * . * X . Coeff: -q^0 Reading off the partitions encoded by the bottom row of each abacus history, we find that the answer is -q^3 s_20 + q^2 s_20 + q s_11 - s_11 If we are interested only in the final expansion and not the abacus histories themselves, we can instead run: ab = AH.snu_abacus([3,1]) ab.Cm_op(-2,LC([ab]),verbose=False).print_lc_simplified() which yields (-1 + q^1) s_11 + (+ q^2 - q^3) s_2 The function _convert_lc() in check_ah.py can be used to convert the internal representation of such a linear combination abacus histories into a proper expansion in terms of Schur functions whose coefficients are Laurent polynomials in q. To comput the result of applying a creation operator that is indexed by a composition to 1, we run: AH.H_alpha([3,1,2]).print_lc_simplified() and get: + q^1 s_321 + q^2 s_33 + q^2 s_411 + (+ q^2 + q^3) s_42 + (+ q^3 + q^4) s_51 + q^5 s_6 Analogous functions are defined for C_alpha and S_alpha.