This is a step-by-step guide as to how to compute the data from the paper "Equivalence classes for the mu-coefficient of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials in S_n" Installing ---------- 1) Move to a suitable directory. Extract the C source code via tar xvfz klmu-072210.tgz (It will be placed in a subdirectory called klmu.) 2) cd klmu Running ------- 3) ./ Notes: 0) The various scripts assume you have gcc installed, that perl is in a particular standard place, that you are running the zsh shell and that you have matlab installed. I have made no attempt to have this all run automatically on your system. If you have zsh installed, you can just include a step 2.5 above: 2.5) zsh 1) On a 3GHz machine, the above script takes a little over 2 days to finish computing the databses (the vast majority of which is for n=10). Computing the equivalence classes takes about one additional day. 2) Several parameters in determine for which values data will be computed. Currently, the database of KL polynomials will be computed for S_n from n=4 up to n=10. Code for computing for n=11 is included but commented out as it will take forever if not run in parallel on a cluster. The various equivalence classes will be computed for n=9,10,11 and with parameter k=0,1,2. The revelant variables are "ub" and "cub" near the beginning of the file. 3) The script computes the databases of KL-polynomials as well as the various equivalence classes described in the paper. One can compute the databases only via make klep for i in {4..10} do ./klep fileeps $i echo "Done computing EPs for $i" done ./klep scratch 10 The above commands will produce four files for each n from 4 to 10: n-mult n-ep n-epidx n-idxpoly For n=10, n-ep and n-epidx are quite large (about 1 Gig). Once they have been constructed there are several simple commands available for extracting data: a) ./klep getakl 4 0213 3120 Will read an individual KL poly from the database. b) ./klep verify n to spit out information about data files ./klep vverify n is much more verbose; only use for small n for example, running ./klep verify 9 yields STATS -9- total eps: 2896168 STATS -9- computed eps: 2896168 STATS -9- max consec: 11 STATS -9- distinct polys: 24322 STATS -9- mu eps: 33550 STATS -9- num w with eps: 99632 STATS -9- maxcoeff: 460 c) ./klep listp n list KL polys that appear in a given S_n d) ./klep evalp find max_{x,w \in S_n} P_{x,w}(1) 4) Computation of the equivalence classes will create various files in the class subfolder. (See paper for general description.) For example, there are 51,060 (11,0)-minimal pairs in S_11. 5,166 of these have mu=4: ~/code/ccode/class% wc 11-c*-m4-k1-*-bare 4750 9500 114000 11-c1-m4-k1-md0-bare 16 32 384 11-c2-m4-k1-md0-bare 384 768 9216 11-c3-m4-k1-md0-bare 16 32 384 11-c4-m4-k1-md0-bare 5166 10332 123984 total 11-c1-m4-k1-md0-bare is a file containing the 4750 (11,0)-minimal pairs in S_11 with mu=4 that are not (11,1)-minimal. In general, equivalence class c1 consists of such pairs in the "sink." The above tells us that there are three (11,1)-minimal classes for mu=4 consisting of 16, 384 and 16 pairs, respectively. The above files only contain the actual pairs "x w" on each line. The corresponding files ending in "-kl" contain information about the actual K-L polynomials. 5) Examination of and the scripts called by it allow one to perform individual steps in the data collection process.